Welcome to P5&6 where learning is fun and we always try our best! This year we have 24 children in our class. Our teachers are Mrs Burke (Monday and Tuesday) and Miss Smyth (Wednesday, Thursday and Friday). 2024/25 promises to be a very exciting and busy year within our classroom as we will be covering some interesting topics.
Homework is given out on a Monday - we have spellings, tables, reading, literacy and numeracy tasks. We use J2E (TimesTables and SpellBlast) to reinforce our weekly spellings and tables. Please also use this at home! We focus on Accelerated Reading every day in our classroom and we hope to get some 'Word Millionaires' this year!
We have PE on a Tuesday and Thursday so please send your child to school wearing their PE kit on both days.
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Class Photograph

Denamona Primary School 31 Craigavon Road Fintona Co Tyrone BT78 2BN
Tel: (028) 82 841 380