Dates added to the calendar
Dear Parents,
A quick update to let you know Christmas dinner has been planned for Thursday 3rd December. If your child does not usually take school dinner, but would like to have Christmas dinner with their friends, please send £2.60 in an envelope marked with 'Christmas Dinner', child's name and class, on Monday.
Children can also wear their Christmas jumpers (non uniform) or dress in festive colours if the Christmas jumpers haven't been purchased yet this year! Children should bring a minimum £1 donation towards our charity this year - Crohns and Colitis NI.
If your child wants to send Christmas cards to their friends this year, they can be posted in our post box on Thursday 3rd December and Friday 4th December ONLY. The cards will be sorted by staff and sent home on Monday 7th December.
Denamona Primary School 31 Craigavon Road Fintona Co Tyrone BT78 2BN
Tel: (028) 82 841 380