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Denamona Primary School, Fintona Co Tyrone

Vets & Pets

9th Jun 2024

P1&2 have been so busy learning about Vets and Pets!
We completed two science experiments: we had to test the absorbency of different materials and choose the best one for a pet bed for the vet. Then we discussed the importance of washing our hands after handling our pets so we used glitter to represent germs and put soap on our fingers and the ‘germs’ dispersed! 

We drew and painted lots of pictures of our pets and designed our own park map to walk a dog in and then used beebot to get around our park. We diagnosed different pets with ailments and completed a vet report on them and made 3D model kennels with cocktail sticks, pencils and marshmallows (and enjoyed a hot chocolate with fresh marshmallows afterwards). P2 wrote an acrostic poem on The Vet and of course we had our trip to Fairgreen Veterinary Practice.
Some aspiring Vets will come from P1&2 that’s for sure!