School Uniform

It is important that every child comes to school neat and tidy. We are proud of our school uniform as it reflects the individuality of our school and offers all children a common form of dress. School uniform must be worn each day unless special clothing is required for field trips or sporting events.
Boys: Burgundy sweatshirt with school crest, Grey trousers, Grey shorts (summer time) Light blue polo shirt with school crest, Black shoes
Girls: Burgundy sweatshirt with school crest, Grey skirt or pinafore, White socks, grey or burgundy tights, Black shoes, Blue checked dresses (summer time)
School uniform must be worn at all times. All items of clothing must be clearly named.
Hair must be tied back neatly. For safety reasons, only stud earrings may be worn and no necklaces are permitted. Velcro openings on shoes are advisable for P1 – P4 children.
P.E. uniform is a white Polo T-shirt, navy shorts and trainers. Navy tracksuit bottoms may be worn. The children wear school uniform on PE days and change at PE time
Denamona Primary School 31 Craigavon Road Fintona Co Tyrone BT78 2BN
Tel: (028) 82 841 380