About Us

Welcome to Denamona Pre-School.
The Pre-School is situated at Denamona Primary School, which is a controlled school owned and maintained by the Education Authority Omagh. It is pleasantly situated on an elevated site overlooking the surrounding countryside.
The Pre-School is registered with the Education Authority and Western HSC Trust, thus ensuring that statutory requirements are fully met, the quality of service continually appraised and staff training constantly up-dated. The Pre-school is also a member of Early Years, the Organisation for Young Children. The Pre-School is insured with Lockton.
Breakfast Club
Breakfast Club is held in the Pre-school room for Pre-school
Opening Hours
The present service is provided, Monday – Friday during term time only.
Opening hours: 9.00am – 12 noon
Opening days: Monday – Friday
Number of places: 24
Denamona Primary School 31 Craigavon Road Fintona Co Tyrone BT78 2BN
Tel: (028) 82 841 380